By John Lavoie
Although the beauty of a cufflink design does not rely on specific brands and makers, cufflinks from designer brands have never failed to create a bigger statement. For the picky dressers who wish to wear cufflinks made by famous
designers, here are the available choices that you can consider.
Vivienne Westwood's orb design is a symbol recognized worldwide. They are printed in shirts and woven in scarves and ties, embossed in wallets, bags and belts and cast in pendants and cufflinks. This designer brand has made a statement on its own that no other brand could copy. The cufflinks come in Orb designs and are rhodium-based and crusted with crystals

Another English cufflink that is recognized across the globe is Veritas London. This is a prestigious brand name known for high quality sterling silver cufflinks presented in a sky blue and purple box. The cufflink designs are elegant and timeless. The enamel cufflinks are beautifully created in wearable designs that are perfect for both formal and casual look.
Among the more esteemed brand is Swank Inc. Being a popular men's cufflink designer and manufacturer, they have provided stylish pairs of cufflinks for more than 70 years. They are now creating more than 150,000 pairs of cufflink every year.
Now, precision engineered cufflinks are the most interesting. LBB London has been creating award-winning contemporary cufflinks for 30 long years. Their fashion house collection includes precision engineered cufflinks that are truly beautiful. Such high quality craftsmanship made them provide one-of-a-kind cufflinks mad
e with unusual materials and designed ingeniously.

And last but not the least you can check Simon Carter cufflinks.Simplicity is indeed beauty. The original designs are now considered vintage. Even with a simple form and design, the pair still comes as stylish and elegant. Now a global favorite, these high quality cufflinks are must-haves for every man.
But taking the brand aside, the most important thing in choosing a cufflink is the suitability of the design to the event and the wearer's personality. Whether it is the most expensive or the low-cost one, if you think it can pull your attire nice and perfectly, then wear the pair.
John Lavoie invites you to check out the latest mother of pearl cufflinks offered at Cuff-Daddy.com. Specialists in cufflink cases, mens neckties and cufflinks, you're sure to find something to your liking.
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