Friday, April 30, 2010

Cufflinks on Your Wedding Day

By Mary Michaels

If you are a bride and you're wondering what gift to give your groom during your wedding day, think no more. Cufflinks are perfect presents that a bride can give her groom on their wedding day. It is a very personal gift that is sure to be appreciated and it can also last a lifetime (provided that they are cared for properly). Still, with a wide array of cufflinks to choose from, purchasing one can still be a bit of a struggle. Novelty cufflinks can be a bit cheesy in their appearance while silver cufflinks can seem boring. So the question then is: which cufflinks will best fit the wedding outfit and the occasion?

If you want to give cufflinks to your husbands to be, then here are some tips to help you choose the best gift:

1. Double faced cufflinks are probably your most formal option. It works perfectly well with a tuxedo or even a morning suit. These types of cufflinks have the same designed inscribed on its faces and they are typically connected with a metal bar or a short chain.

2. Snap-on cufflinks have two distinct faces that clicks when they are inserted in either side of the cuff. However, these types of cufflinks are not advised to be worn with thick cuffs because they can easily come apart and thus, get lost.

3. The easiest cufflinks to wear are push through cufflinks because they have small rounded ends that are 'pushed through' the cuffs. They are connected to the main cufflink that is curved by a metal bar. On the contrary, they are the easiest to lose because they can slide back through the cuffs fairly easy.

4. Hinged cufflinks are the most secure cufflinks. These types of cufflinks have a bar that is attached to the hidden part of the cufflink which swivels to get in line with the post as it is pushed through the cuffs and locked at a certain angle. This mechanism then prevents cufflinks from falling out.

Are colored cufflinks appropriate for my groom?
Cufflinks provide excellent way to add color to your groom's wardrobe. With the millions of cufflinks available, you can be sure to find a nice pair of enamel cufflinks that will surely match your wedding's theme or color scheme. You can choose to opt for bright colors and patterns if your groom is used to wearing them. If otherwise, stay away from this light if you want your groom t wear the cufflinks again.
Are novelty cufflinks also appropriate for weddings?

This would, of course, depend on the taste and type of wedding that you are going to have. Your budget for the gift is also a consideration for this question. If you and your groom both agreed to buy silly presents for each other, then novelty cufflinks are just perfect. Novelty cufflinks will also fit in the situation if you are having a casual reception and you want everyone to be laid back and not too formal.

Mary Michaels invites you to take a look at the latest cufflinks for men offered at Specialists in novelty cufflinks, men's unique gifts and accessories - you're certain to find something to your liking.