Wearing cufflinks is a great way to add style to your attire, especially if the usual suit and tie have become boring in time. It also shows some personal touch, and may distinctively set you apart from the other guys wearing the same suit. On some occasions, when done right, cufflinks even add some elegance and appeal.
Currently, there are so many cufflink designs available and so many styles to choose from. You don't just pick out a pair, close your cuffs and off you go. Unfortunately, your favorite cufflinks may not be a one-fits-all kind. As with wearing other accessories, there are certain rules to follow, specifically when matching them.
So how do you match your cufflinks? How do you know which pair of cufflinks to wear?
For one, you have to match your cufflinks design with the occasion.
What kind of occasion are you attending? Is it a formal one, a business one, or a casual one? There is an appropriate cufflink design for every occasion. If you're going to a formal party or doing a business presentation, do not wear novelty cufflinks. They're cute and make great gift ideas but may be too informal for the occasion. Wear them with your ordinary office shirt instead; it looks great just the same.
Traditional, conservative-type cufflinks are best, and simple cufflink designs are the safest. Also, some formal events have color-themes or motifs, such as wedding or debut parties, even reunions. Make sure you follow the standard, and stand out later with your cufflinks.
Match your cufflinks' colors with what you're wearing, specifically with other pieces of clothing you're wearing.
Usually the first thing to look at is your tie. Your cufflinks should compliment the color and design of your tie. Regardless of the design, it's a rule to follow your tie's color. If it's blue, then your cufflinks should be blue, or of shades of blue. If your tie's design is patterned, wear a simple, plain-colored cufflink to balance that.
Another reference is the color of your inner shirt. Plain white or simple light-colored shirts are best if your cufflinks are dark-colored in order to create contrast. Same thing if you're wearing dark colored shirts, your cufflinks should be light-colored in order to stand out. If you're wearing patterned-designs, plain looking cufflinks fit well.
You can also match cufflinks with other accessories you're wearing; perhaps your belt buckle or your other jewelries' color, your ring or watch.
Colors for formal occasions are usually gold and silver. Gold compliments well with brown suits or shades of brown perhaps. While silver blends well with most colors - blue, red, etc. Just make sure it follows the color of your belt buckle.
Besides color and design, also consider your cufflinks material - if it is made of glass, metal, or fabric.
Your aim is to create color, balance and harmony when wearing accessories such as cufflinks. There should always be a contrast and at the same time compliment in color and style.
Adam English invites you to take a look at the latest mens cufflinks offered at Cufflinks.co.uk. Specialists in sterling silver cufflinks, men's unique gifts and accessories - you're certain to find something to your liking.