Cleaning your cufflinks regularly is a good habit to develop. It would long benefit a man if he knows how to take care of his belongings and nifty accessories. Well-maintained cufflinks are clean, shiny, and looks almost new. Otherwise, it obviously shows. By taking good care of your cufflinks, you are unlikely to buy a new pair soon because your cufflinks are still in good condition.
Proper caring of your cufflinks is also essential if you want to preserve them for a long time, especially practical if you have a set or collection of valuable cufflinks like gold cufflinks, diamond cufflinks, and vintage or antique cufflinks.
Here are some simple tips in caring for your cufflinks:
Avoid shoving them in carelessly, like almost tossing.
Find a clean, cool, and cushioned storage place where you can keep them in. For example, a cushioned jewelry box. This doesn't have to be expensive. If you want you can even make your own. Just make sure you use soft fabric, like silk or 100% cotton, as inlay of your storage. This way, you can protect your cufflinks from getting scratched in contact to rough surfaces. You can also put your cufflinks inside small zip lock plastic bags before shutting them in jewelry box.
An airtight, cushioned storage space is better, especially for silver cufflinks to delay tarnishing.
Clean your cufflinks every time you take them off, even if they don't look dirty. You can basically just wipe them clean if you don't want to soak them and all that. This is ideal when you wear cufflinks rather frequently, say, with office attire.
Make sure they're clean before you tuck them away. If you're keeping them away for a long time, check them at least once in 2 or 3 months. Wipe them with a soft fabric to keep off any dust.
Let's say you accidentally got your cufflinks dirty while you're wearing them, clean you cufflinks right away, either wipe the dirt or rinse them with running water. Then clean them with a mild cleansing solution when you got home.
When cleaning cufflinks, prepare a mild cleansing solution of diluted soap in water in a bowl. You can also buy jewelry cleaners in jewelry stores though, but soap and water will do the same work too. Avoid soaps with ingredients like bleach and harsh chemicals that may damage your cufflinks. Soak cufflinks for a few minutes and brush them gently with an old soft toothbrush. Bristles of a new brush can be stiff and sharp and can cause scratches on your cufflinks surface.
In the event that your cufflinks get damaged, many times it's a wiser decision to opt for professional service than to fix them on your own. It may cost you extra money but you do not risk your cufflinks further damage by having a professional fix them instead of you. For enamel cufflinks, bring them to a good enamel restorer. Professional jewelers or cufflinks makers can restore your cufflinks back in shape.
Adam English invites you to take a look at the latest men's cufflinks offered at Specialists in sterling silver cufflinks, men's unique gifts and accessories - you're certain to find something to your liking.